The Course on "Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithm Application to Electrical Engineering" explore about following; 1. Outline About ALO, BA, BWO, CSA, DF, FPA, GA, GHA, GWO, MFO, MVO, PSO, SSOA, WOA. 2. MATLAB Coding for ALO, BA, BWO, CSA, DF, FPA, GA, GHA, GWO, MFO, MVO, PSO, SSOA, WOA. 3. Combined Economic and Emission Dispatch Problem Statement formulation. 4. MATLAB Implementation of ALO, BA, BWO, CSA, DF, FPA, GA, GHA, GWO, MFO, MVO, PSO, SSOA, WOA for Combined Economic and Emission Dispatch Problem. 5. Comparison of ALO, BA, BWO, CSA, DF, FPA, GA, GHA, GWO, MFO, MVO, PSO, SSOA, WOA. MATLAB Files included: 1. Ant lion optimization 2. BAT algorithm 3. Black Widow Optimization Algorithm 4. Crow search Algorithm 5. Dragonfly Algorithm 6. Flower Pollination Algorithm 7. Genetic Algorithm 8. Grasshopper optimization algorithm 9. Grey Wolf Optimization 10. Moth flame optimization 11. Multi verse optimization 12. Particle swarm optimization 13. Salp swarm optimization algorithm 14. Whale optimization algorithm Note: 1. This online program contains prerecorded videos and corresponding MATLAB Files. 2. Try the model with latest version of the MATLAB. Benefits: 1. Flexible Schedule 2. Online Platform 3. Lifetime Access 4. E-Certificate
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