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Scopus missing citation - How to add missing documents and citation in Scopus

Scopus Missing Citation: How to Add Missing Documents and Citations in Scopus

Are you a researcher or an academician who relies on Scopus for scholarly indexing and citation tracking? If so, you may have encountered the frustrating issue of missing citations. In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of Scopus missing citations and provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to add missing documents and citations in Scopus. We understand the importance of accurate citation records for your academic endeavors, so let's navigate through this challenge together.

Table of Contents

  1. Understanding Scopus Citations

  2. Common Reasons for Missing Citations

  3. The Impact of Missing Citations

  4. Steps to Add Missing Documents and Citations

    • Checking Document Eligibility

    • Requesting an Update

    • Providing Supporting Information

    • Verifying the Addition

  1. Best Practices for Maintaining Accurate Citations

    • Regularly Review Your Profile

    • Collaborate with Co-Authors

    • Stay Updated with Scopus Guidelines

  1. Scopus' Role in Research Visibility

  2. Conclusion

Understanding Scopus Citations

Scopus, a widely used abstract and citation database, plays a pivotal role in academic research. It facilitates the tracking of research impact, aids in identifying collaborations, and provides a comprehensive overview of scholarly publications. Citations in Scopus showcase the influence and relevance of your work within the academic community.

Common Reasons for Missing Citations

Various factors can lead to missing citations in Scopus. These include delays in indexing, incomplete bibliographic information, and discrepancies between source documents and the data in Scopus. Such discrepancies can arise due to typographical errors, variations in author names, or inaccuracies in publication titles.

The Impact of Missing Citations

Missing citations can have a significant impact on your research profile. They may lead to an incomplete representation of your scholarly contributions, affecting metrics such as h-index and citation count. Moreover, the absence of accurate citations can hinder the discoverability of your work and collaborations.

Steps to Add Missing Documents and Citations

Checking Document Eligibility

Before proceeding, ensure that the missing document meets Scopus' inclusion criteria. The document should be scholarly in nature, peer-reviewed, and relevant to the academic domain.

Requesting an Update

Initiate the process by logging into your Scopus Author Profile. Locate the "Request an Update" option and provide details about the missing citation, including the title, authors, publication year, and source. Attach any relevant documentation to expedite the verification process.

Providing Supporting Information

To validate your request, Scopus may require additional supporting information, such as a PDF copy of the missing document or a confirmation of your authorship. Furnish these details promptly to facilitate a thorough review.

Verifying the Addition

Once Scopus processes your request, they will verify the authenticity of the missing citation. This may involve cross-referencing with the original source. Upon successful verification, the citation will be added to your profile.

Best Practices for Maintaining Accurate Citations

Regularly Review Your Profile

Periodically review your Scopus Author Profile to ensure all your publications are accurately represented. Address any discrepancies or missing citations promptly.

Collaborate with Co-Authors

Maintain open communication with your co-authors to collectively monitor and update your publication records on Scopus. Collaborative efforts can lead to more accurate and comprehensive citation records.

Stay Updated with Scopus Guidelines

Familiarize yourself with Scopus' guidelines for document inclusion and citation practices. Adhering to these guidelines from the outset can minimize the occurrence of missing citations.

Scopus' Role in Research Visibility

Scopus serves as a gateway to increased research visibility. Its vast database and indexing capabilities amplify the impact of your work, connecting you with a global network of scholars and researchers.


In the realm of academic research, accurate citations are paramount. Scopus, while comprehensive, may occasionally miss some citations due to various reasons. By following the outlined steps and best practices, you can ensure that your scholarly contributions are meticulously documented within the Scopus database, bolstering your research profile and facilitating greater academic recognition.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: How long does it take for a missing citation to be added to Scopus?

The processing time can vary, but Scopus usually endeavors to verify and add missing citations within a few weeks of receiving a request.

Q2: Can I request the addition of citations for publications from several years ago?

Absolutely. Scopus allows you to request updates for missing citations regardless of when the publication was released.

Q3: What if my missing document is not peer-reviewed? Can I still request its addition?

Scopus primarily focuses on scholarly peer-reviewed content. If your missing document does not meet this criterion, it might not be eligible for inclusion.

Q4: Is there a limit to the number of citations I can request to add?

There is no strict limit, but it's advisable to prioritize adding citations that significantly contribute to your research profile.

Q5: How often should I review and update my Scopus Author Profile?

Regular reviews, at least once every few months, can help ensure the accuracy and completeness of your citation records.

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