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Third International Conference on Future Technologies in Manufacturing, Automation, Design & Energy

About ICOFT2022

ICOFT 2022 is third in the series of conferences intended to be held every year in India, aimed to disseminate knowledge on the latest technological developments and cutting-edge research in Manufacturing, Automation, Design, and Energy (MADE) among academicians, researchers, scientists, industry personnel, and entrepreneurs across the globe.

This conference will provide the premier interdisciplinary forum relevant with Mechanical Engineering to discuss the recent technologies, innovations, recent research findings, challenges, solutions, and perspectives of the future directions of Mechanical Engineering in the field of Manufacturing, Automation, Design, and Energy through keynote lectures and paper presentations. Young researchers are encouraged to participate and utilize the opportunity to network with others who seek to develop their research abilities and experience.

Objective & Scope of ICOFT2022

The objective of the ICOFT 2022 is to provide a platform to perceive, share, and exchange the recent trends related to various aspects of Mechanical Engineering. The scope of this conference is multidisciplinary in Mechanical Engineering and invites original work to be presented in multiple streams of Manufacturing, Automation, Design, and Energy (MADE).

Call For Papers

The original research papers on the topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to the following domains:


Additive Manufacturing

CAD/CAM/CAE/Reverse Engineering

Composite and Polymer Processing

Digital Manufacturing and Smart Systems

Ergonomics in Manufacturing

Green and Sustainable Manufacturing

Machine Tool Design

Machining, Forming and Joining Technology

Materials Technology

Metrology and Quality Control

Micro and Nano Manufacturing

Modelling and Simulation in manufacturing

Non-Traditional / Advanced Machining processes

Precision and Surface Engineering


Augmented Reality (AR) / Virtual Reality VR in Automation; Robotics and Automation

CAD and Automation; Design Automation

Industry 4.0; Industrial Internet of Things

Manufacturing Automation

Modeling and simulation; Optimization Algorithms

Process Automation & Monitoring

Sensor Technology; UAV, AUV


Aerospace Design

Bioengineering Design

Design for X and Additive Manufacturing

Design for Ergonomics

Design with Composite Materials

Design theory, Methodology and Management

FEA and its applications

Industrial Design; Mechanical Design

Product Design and Development



Vehicle Dynamics

Energy Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) and Computational Methods for Renewable Energy Sources

Energy Storage; Hydrogen and Fuel Cells; Energy Security & its policies

Energy Modelling, Simulation & Optimizations

Micro & Nano Energy Materials; Net zero Energy concepts

Other Conventional Energy Sources and its Technologies

Renewable (Green) Energy Sources and its Technologies

Submission Guidelines

Abstracts and manuscripts should reflect a substantial advancement in Mechanical Engineering.

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